
This is a collection of things i did that are nice. My biggest project is TargomoLOOP but that’s work so it does not really belong here.

[2023] [WIP] Pizzary

I really like pizza and i always kept a little note in my phone that has 0-10 ratings of all the pizzerias i’ve been to in the past. Pizzary is an app to absolutely overengineer this process of tracking your pizza ratings with adding a social network on top. You can see your friend’s reviews, follow them and get custom aggregated pizzeria ratings based on only the people you follow. Once it’s finished, ill write a blog post about it.

You can read my personal reviews here:

[2021-2022] [WIP] DokoMentation

The german card game Doppelkopf (short: DOKO) is traditionally played by the more senior crowd but it’s gaining more and more popularity among the hip millennial people. What i like a lot about the game is the fact that there is a huge set of complex rules with an even bigger set of exceptions to them. It is an amazing challenge for a dev to think about implementing it so i thought why not give it a shot ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Currently the features are limited to document (DOKOment) your points in an offline game.


Yes, i know - this is not really my project. I still want to mention it here, as i learned a lot while setting up my own jitsi server (using Dockerized Jitsi Meet). Its free to use for everyone. I don’t store any logs permanently and there is no tracking happening whatsoever. If you use it please be considerate of the limited resources it runs on (up to 10 people should not be a problem).

[2020] ICU Beds Capacity Planner

Project Pitch

In the first covid wave in 2020 some work-friends and me decided to take part in a Hackathon to find data-based approaches to fight the virus. We came up with a solution based on Targomo Technologies that visualizes the an ICU network and makes it possible to on-the-fly see consequences for modeled future scenarios. The full pitch is on YouTube (check the link ☝️)

We came in second place and were featured in GeoSpatial World :D

[2019/2021] TEDxUniPotsdam

Everyone knows TED Talks. Many people also know that there is a difference between TED and TEDx. I like the de-central approach to the TEDx events so naturally i took the opportunity in 2019 to support the team behind TEDxUniPotsdam in organizing their event. I usually don’t do websites but this is an exception. Other than the implementation of the sites (with Hugo) i set up their email infrastructure (with Mailu) which was a nice challenge for a non-devops person like me. Of course everything is absolutely overengineered including a semi-automated deployment process using GitLab CI pipes.


For a research project at the Bauhaus Uni Weimar i was asked to help out building a nice web application to gather quantitative data about how people envision their dream city. Eventually we developed an app that collects answers to 30-ish questions and returns the “best match” of the 20 largest german cities for the user. The project gained huge popularity: We received over 30k responses and were featured in many german blogs (i.e. Urbanshit, Musikexpress, WIHEL)

The project is currently offline, because at the time i did not know yet how to dockerize things. Im considering to do that at some point for nostalgic reasons.